Web & Tech

MUST HAVE Features for a Fan Social Subscription Platform.

September 20, 2021

There has been a recent mainstream BOOM in the fan subscription world thanks to the success of sites such as OnlyFans.

This has prompted many amateur & professional performers to join or create their own social subscription platform to offer raunchy content to their fans.

When setting up your fan subscription site, there are a few features that will be vital to your success. IF you’re considering developing a subscription platform, or social media website, make sure to contact us to see how we can help.

These features make it easy to monetize your business and engage with your fans; ensuring that your website is both profitable and sustainable.

1. Tipping and donations

In this industry it’s not uncommon for fans to donate to their favourite performers.

This allows the user to give the entertainer an incentive to keep putting out great content. Many users feel this is a great way for them to show appreciation for the performer’s hard work.

This often makes them feel like they’re helping their favourite performers push out the content they love. In turn, this gives them the impression that they’re contributing to the provider’s lifestyle being sustainable.

You might want to include prizes or personal content based on tips to keep your customers engaged with your product. This can be a great way to keep your viewers active and enticed to keep on subscribing. This will help your users feel acknowledged when they donate to your platform and makes them feel good about continuing to do so in future.

All in all, this is a great way to make your profile interactive and can help maintain customer retention; whilst maintaining your growth and generating a good revenue stream.

2. Social feeds – Keep Fans in the loop

A great way to increase your engagement and keep your fans in the know about the content you’re going to publish free or subscription only.

This can also give would-be subscribers a bit of a preview of what sort of content is available on your profile. As a result, they can make an informed decision about whether they’d like to see more of what you have to offer and sign up.

Most performers are already familiar with using using social with free main stream platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Whichever platforms you use for free make your you engage with your fan base and give them a taste of what they will find on your paid profile.

Social media is a powerful marketing tool – if you’re not making proper use of it; you’re making success harder to achieve.

3. Instant messaging – Sell, Tip and Communicate

Fan interaction is a very important part of keeping your customers engaged. Instant messaging is a great way to accomplish this goal.

Engage and communicate with your fans and customers to make sure you’re delivering the content they’re looking for. Instant messaging allows your users to give you regular feedback and make them feel they have direct personal contact with yourself.

Instant messaging allows your fans to send special content requests which you can charge and generate excellent revenue. Some performers have reportedly said they can deal with 50 + messages simultaneously, so it can be come a full time job.

It’s vital that all chat messaging functionality includes a filtering or blocking system. This will make sure you’re not receiving abusive or spam messages from time-wasting customers.

Some examples of mainstream live chat options that are suitable for this type of platform include: Drift, Zendesk, and Olark. However most platforms have their own bespoke chat built in.

4. Sexting – Money Messaging

Nearly everyone has phone these days, texting is nothing new. However sexting is using this day to day method and monitizing from it.

Platforms like Sextpanther have this function available to their performers, and keep all performer & fan numbers private and secure, by using a premium number which works in between both phones when messaging.

Prices can vary per text message and some platforms allow the performers to set their own text rate, which can be from as little as £1.00 to £5.00 a message. The performer also gets get percentage share from this.

So get sexting!

Where can I get my a fan subscription platform built?

One of the easiest ways to ensure you have a functional and user-friendly website is get in touch with us “Adult Creative”. Our friendly, expert team knows exactly what it takes for you to make it in the industry.

Check out our Fan Subscription web development  or call +44(0)330 113 1888 for more information about features/options available for your new venture.

You could get a single or multi performer subscription platform up and running and be apart of the social content world in no time.

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