Web & Tech

How to stop your adult website from being hacked?

November 11, 2021

Your website is vulnerable to hackers worldwide!

Congratulations! You are the owner of a brand new website. However, with great web powers comes great responsibility for the safety of your pages. If you have an online escort agency or a web-cam website then you have a duty to your clients to ensure that their private details remain safe.

Your worst nightmare is knowing that someone has managed to get hold of your website’s logins and are now altering your website so that pieces of content either contain spam links or have been deleted altogether. Whilst you should always make sure that you back up your files, you should also remember that there are alternative ways to protect your webpages. Here are some of Adult Creative’s favourite ways of protecting your website.

Why would someone hack my website?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of bad people in the world. Some just want to make money, other black hat SEO technicians may do it to ruin the reputation of your website and some just want to inflict malware on your website. There is genuinely a multitude of reasons where you just end up as the unlucky victim.

Here are some of the main reasons why you’ve been picked as the unlucky victim of an attack:

• Website Vandals– They have chosen your website randomly and have just created an automated attack on your website. Some of them may not have even been on your website before
• Spam attack– Some SEO specialists aren’t exactly keen on playing fair. Instead, they are more interested in hacking your website and spamming it with random links. They may even just sign up your website to different mail to make sure that it gets spammed or people just randomly link to it.
• SEO Hackers- By just adding a corrupted backlink that can redirect a visitor to a scam website is a surefire way to make some money. The unfortunate thing is that your website will be penalized by Google by using this sort of link.
• Malware– Perhaps you have just clicked on the wrong website and have accidentally downloaded a virus. This happens more commonly than you may think. According to Sopholabs
“It’s possible to have your operating system, browser, plugins, and applications exposed to exploits looking for vulnerabilities just by visiting an unsafe website. We see tens of thousands of new URLs every day containing drive-by downloads.”

Protect your website like it’s your baby!

Yes, changing your marketing tactics to suit your website protection methods can be a bit of a nightmare. But it’s honestly it is worth it if you want to make sure your website remains safe. Your brand is important, and your website is the face of your brand, therefore it is definitely worth putting a bit of time and effort into these protection methods:

Switch to HTTPS

One of the best thing that you can do in relation to protecting your website is to switch over to “HTTPS”. These websites are known as trustworthy and perfect if you want to share sensitive information online, such as credit/debit card numbers, social security numbers and contact information.

Well, HTTPS actually relates to an SSL security certificate. In July 2018, Google decided to mark non-HTTPS websites as “not secure.” All HTTPs website had SSL certificates that secured transfers. That meant that they were great for SERP rankings on Google but also show users that they will have a positive and safe experience on the website.

Whilst it does cost a little more to have an SSL certificate, it is worth it to give your website an extra layer of security against hackers. People will see your website as trustworthy and will truly enjoy their time interacting with your website.

Strong Passwords

Your first level of security on any sort of website is your password. Yes, you can have a strong user name, but your password is the main thing that can grant easy access to your website. Don’t pick something that’s personal to you, or do something as simple as 123, these sort of passwords are super easy to guess.

Pick something that is over 6 letters and that has a capital, number and special character in them. The stronger your password the more security you will have. Just make sure that you have a special, secure area to place your list of passwords in. The best thing to do is to write them out physically and store them away in your room!

You can also consider adding a new layer of security by having a security code sent to your mobile device after “you” have logged in. That means that you can be sure that it’s just you and the people you trust that are entering your website.

Make sure your software is updated

Take one look at Adult Creative’s portfolio and you will see that all of our websites come with the most up-to-date forms of our CMS and security options. However, you will also need to take some responsibility for your website’s updates. Technology quickly becomes outdated and that means that your website can become more vulnerable to potential hackers.

If you are using third-party software then make sure to applying security updates for your operating system. However, if you are working alongside AC, we can sort this out if you enquire about your hosting. Should you be using a WordPress website or private CMS, you will be alert to the latest updates of your software.

Keep alerted about SQL Injections

So, you may be wondering what a SQL injection attack is. Well, it’s when an attacker decides to use a web form field or URL parameter to attack or change your database. It’s as easy as basically inserting rogue code into one of your search queries. This sort of attack tends to be used to change your web image tables, get information and even delete data on your website.

The best way to stop this from happening is by using parameterised queries. The majority of websites actually have this feature and it’s really easy to implement.

Error Messages

A lot of error messages you get online nowadays are fake. So be careful how much information you give away in order to try and “fix” these errors. The more information you give, the more likely that you are going to suffer from a complicated spam attack, such as an SQL injection. So make sure that you only keep your error information in your server logs. If they get leaked to a server then it is more likely that someone could take advantage of them.

Do you understand how to protect your website?

The internet is a scary place and you should never venture into it without protection. If you need help figuring out how to protect your website, feel free to contact AC about your concerns. We can help you sort out the best protection for your brand.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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