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Business, Web & Tech

Promote your adult business online – 7 key guidelines

November 9, 2021
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Promote your adult business online – 7 key guidelines

Promoting your business online has never been easy. It’s an investment to get your business on the Internet, and then there are even more costs associated with the further you want to take it! Unfortunately, it’s harder than ever right now – the market for websites is remarkably oversaturated and there’s competition for even the smallest niche of business.

Although online marketing has evolved and become considerably more complicated in the last 5 years (thanks Google), it’s still possible to be successful. There are heaps of profit to be made for those who understand and effectively utilise SEO and Digital Marketing. If you want the voice of your website to be heard amongst the cacophony of competitors today, you have to get smart and put in the work.

You may be thinking, how exactly should I accomplish that?

We’re going to go over some of the fundamental concepts of promoting your business and brand online in this article – primarily pertaining to adult entertainment. If you want to learn how to make a website successful – these guidelines will help you obtain a better understanding of the work required.

Now, you may be asking, who are you to be an authority on this subject?

We are Adult Creative, and our business thrives on promoting adult content, entertainment & performers. Over the last 6 years, our team has worked with all manner of adult-related websites – from sex toys to escorts & fan sites. We’ve even been contracted by porn websites to provide our expert opinion on their current strategy! Due to this, we have become experts within the industry – our team has gathered a significant amount of experience & expertise. We continue to work with some of the biggest name brands within the escort & fansite industry today, which is exactly what you will find us doing on a day to day basis.

Would you like to know more about us? Come and check out the AC team. Now, without further adieu – here are 7 fundamental ways to promote yourself online.

7 – A functional website to serve as a funnel for your customers

A website is a prerequisite for all online businesses trying to make a decent profit, and has been for years. The adult industry is no exception, you need a website! If you feel like you’re doing well by posting ads on Vivastreet or, you could be receiving a lot more attention with your very own site. This doesn’t mean a free Wix or Weebly template – trying to run a business through a free template not only looks cheap and tacky, it also looks untrustworthy to customers. This means getting your own full domain and hosting, it’s completely mandatory for anyone hoping to create any kind of long-lasting & increasing income.

It’s very easy to set up your own domain, as long as you possess basic computer skills you can do it yourself without expert help. If you expect a customer to hand over their hard-earned cash, you have no excuse not to invest a small amount of capital in getting your site live. You don’t need any experience, just time.

How do I get started making my own site?

If you have absolutely no experience making a website, we strongly recommend using an easy-to-use website builder like WordPress. This will help guide you through the process and requires no coding experience whatsoever. You can purchase your domain through the WordPress client, which provides every tool you will need to make a website from start to finish.

Otherwise, you’re going to either need to learn to code or hire someone who does. You can’t learn to code a website overnight, so we’d strongly suggest you get in touch with our adult web design team at Adult Creative – the industry’s number one choice with over a decade of experience.

6 – Social Media can be your friend with a little work

There are a lot of Social Media websites that aren’t friendly towards adult businesses. For example, advertising a porn page on Tumblr, Tiktok or Linkedin is a waste of time and a quick way to get your account banned. On the other hand, there’s a host of social websites that can help promote your adult entertainment without any repercussions. Twitter and Instagram are fairly acceptable as long as you don’t post images or content that is too explicit. Once you have developed a following on social media it can massively help your brand awareness and give you an outlet to promote new products or services.

A few tips for working with Social Media:

As mentioned, there are a few social websites that do not cater to adult content. You should make sure not to invest time into these sites, because as soon as your account is removed you will lose all of your followers and everything else.

When creating your profile, posting and tweeting – keep the explicit content to a minimum. Being crude and putting up lewd photographs will get your account taken down. For example, PornHub has a Facebook account – because they keep it relatively family-friendly. Do the same.

As social media marketing specialists, we at Adult Creative create tailored campaigns that deliver outstanding results for brands like yours. Be sure to get in touch with our team to learn more.

5 – Adult entertainment platforms that correspond to your business

Depending on what kind of adult entertainment you are offering, there are plenty of different platforms that can help connect you with more potential customers and conversions. For example, if you are promoting escort services you should be using Adult Work or Vivastreet. These are extremely popular applications for escorting, and are a fast and easy way to get seen by paying clients!
If you are selling webcam videos, streaming and photographs – Only Fans is the major place to be. You would be mad not to use Only Fans when it can bring thousands of potential customers directly to you.

Finding the right platforms to promote your service is often free, and invest enough time into it and you can see a return. The hard part is finding the right platforms that will actually give you a return that is worth your time. The Adult Creative team excels at this, it is a part of what we do.

4 – Paid advertising works wonders when implemented correctly

Everyone has heard the saying “You have to spend money to make money”. Promoting your online enterprise is no different. You can purchase advertisement space on almost every adult website out there. For website owners, it’s an easy way to make money and offset the overhead costs of running a large adult website. For you, it’s an excellent way to have your business featured in a prominent place and get you seen by a lot of people.

The problem with paid advertising is you can frivolously buy a bunch of ads and see absolutely no profit whatsoever. You can pick the wrong place to put up an expensive listing and see absolutely no return – almost as bad as throwing the money down the drain.

So how do I choose the right places to pay for advertisements online?

You could use trial and error to narrow down which places are worth investing in for a sponsored listing or banner, but this is expensive and time-consuming. Unfortunately, the best way to avoid wasting your money here is to ask or hire a professional. For example, our team knows the best places to promote niche adult entertainment businesses online; but we need to know all about your business before we can suggest the best niche websites to purchase ad space.

3 – Search Engine Optimisation, the elephant in the room

Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO is a very well-known contemporary industry. The simplest way to explain SEO is it’s essentially marketing, digitally. If you want your website to appear on Google, Bing, or Yahoo – you need SEO.

Every popular website you spend time on has individuals or a team providing SEO for them. As the website industry is oversaturated in most niches – you just won’t be visible without it.

SEO encompasses all manner of online marketing, including everything mentioned in this article. It pertains to social media, paid advertising, building websites, and much more. If you hire a business to make you a website, it’s extremely common for them to offer you optimisation afterwards.

As the UK’s award-winning adult SEO agency, we at Adult Creative know a thing or two about this service. When it comes to improving website visibility and making brands a success, our skills are unmatched in this industry, so if you’re looking to outperform your competitors, look no further.

2 – Outreach to similar services, hard but extremely rewarding

Outreach refers to a common but effective method of marketing online. This technique involves reaching out to other providers within your industry and asking them to mention your brand. Preferably with a link to your website URL.

We consider overly relying on this technique as a very hit-and-miss approach. Outreach can be considered the internet’s version of cold calling – it can be very time-consuming and you can expect a lot of rejection. It is still a worthwhile use of your time, however, because one good editorial mention from a popular website in your field can support your website and bring you business for years to come.

Good utilisation of Outreach is one of the techniques that will put you ahead of the competition – it’s an excellent way to get an advantage over one of your rivals!

Advice on reaching out to competitors and similar websites:

Outreach is a competitive game and you need to be dedicated to get any sort of success out of it. Some companies have full-time employees whose sole purpose is to reach out. To get the most out of outreach on the web, it’s important to pick and contact the right sources.

To put it simply: If you are an adult performer, your main outreach focus would be websites related to adult performances & entertainment. There’s not much point in contacting a website that is completely unrelated to yours, unless you can somehow find a way to relate the two topics.

Performing an effective outreach campaign is a broad subject with a lot of niche subjects to cover – it takes skill, subtlety, and most importantly – luck.

1 – Keep at it, be consistent, and remember this is a long game

Our last point may be seen as obvious, but it is the key to prevailing with your online enterprise.

Don’t give up on your business. Be prepared to spend months, maybe even years fighting to get to the point where you finally succeed.

It might sound like a silly motivation, but not giving up is really important! In fact, it’s potentially the most important factor in success.

In the past, we’ve worked with websites that have struggled to turn a profit for years. After 6 months with Adult Creative, we’ve got them back on track and in a position where customers are converting, and there is a return on investment. After another 6 months with us, they were earning more than ever before. We were able to accomplish this because they hadn’t given up on their site and continued to consistently try and improve their online enterprise. Don’t give up!

If you want to promote your service and get lots of customers and traffic it can take months or years! Especially in a competitive industry. If you keep at it, and keep a consistent schedule you will get there eventually.

Remember to be consistent! Taking a few months off can actually lose you traction, and you might lose whatever momentum your business has gained.

Does your business need adult entertainment SEO? We’re the experts, why not contact us and see how we can help you today? One brief call is all it takes to discover a world of opportunity with Adult Creative – you have nothing to lose!